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Friday, March 26, 2010


Kesha Vs. Briney.

Tsk!tsk! from " Tik Tok" singer Kesha 23, who dissed Britney Spears 28, in Scotland Daily REcord for lip-synching on tour. " That bulls.....t....I think if you are going to be a singer you should sing...I would never do that to my fans.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Food nourishes the body and give us energy to get through each day. Healthy eating is fundamental to good health and its a key element in healthy human development, from the prenatal and from childhood years to later life stages. Healthy eating is equally important in reducing the risk of many chronic deases.

How to live Happy life

Everyone wants to be happy or happier, most of us are atleast a little bit confused about how to do it. What does happiness mean? What can we do to be happier?

Friday, March 19, 2010


Partying with costars at sundance, shopping sprees and fligting up a storm. Katie Holmes spent the beginning of the year flirting across the country, acting every inch the fun and independent young woman. But last month, Tom Cruise tightened the leash, demanding that she come home and dedicate herself to the family. It's time for Katie to focus on having baby No.2. and she looks like she could be pregnant already!

Katie was a good 10 lbs. heavier and wore larger clothing, like she was trying to hide something. someone saw her shopping at L.A's trends baby boutique Petit Ami on March 4. She was difinitely rounder in the tummy and the whole time she was in the store, she was using her hands to shield her belly.

In mid-February, Katie had been enjoying a Manhattan getaway with Suri When Tom called and told her to come home immediately. He said in no uncertain terms that she should get back to L.A, Tom really laid down the law. She protested, but he wouldn't budge. Katie packed her bags and headed back home.

A Deal is A Deal

Katie had promised to give Suri a sibling when she signed up and  renewed her marriage contract. Tom 47, even sweetened the deal with a $12 million bonus clause. And she could get even more if she has twins.

Until now, Katie has been happy to leave the question of another child up to fate. She really wasn't IVF treatments. Finally though, Tom stepped in and said they should try it,.He's excited to buold their family and he doesn't really want to wait anymore.

Instead of the shopping trips, parties and premieres that Katie had been enjoying so much, her days have been filled with preparations for a second child. As soon as Katie 31, got back to L.A she began making visits to the Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine at L.A Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Although Scientology frowns on the process. She's visited the center more than three times.

She's also been swept up in an all encompassing prenatal program at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre in L.A Katie has spent many hours a week there since returning from New York, participating in a variety of auditing sessions,cleanses and other treatments

She's undergoing something called purification rundown. It's supposed to clear her body of toxins that could harm a pregnant woman. She was also put on a Scientology approved regimen of prenatal vitamins, minerals and probiotic. In Scientology babies are old souls that need a vessel to be born. All of the programs are supposed to make Katie a good host for her child.

But the course of vitamins and amino acids hasn't been agreeing with her, and she's finding the whole process grueling. She's been staying in bed a lot. She blames it on the weather since it's  been raining a lot in L.A but this has all hit her really hard. She's stressed.

Although Tom tries to comfort her, catering to her every need. Katie would like a little more space. But he's persistent. He's always fussing over her, more than usual. He's even been leading her in at home visualization exercise to prepare her for baby. He wants her to foucs on creating positive energy.

But Privately, multiple source says that while Katie loves kids, shes struggling with the notion of putting her career on the back burner to have another baby. She's already feels so drained. It's not what she wants right now, but she feels like she doesn't really have a choice.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


After spending the past nine months as a harried single mom, Kate Gosselin is more than ready to make up for lost time! And now that she's Dancing with the Stars, She has a hunky boyfriend. Kate is ready for romance and She's absolutely on the prowl!

That was obvious at a Hollywood party celebrating the upcoming tenth season DWTS at STK LA restaurant on March 1. Kate,34 turned on the charm and shamelessly flirted with a fellow contestant, former All My Children star Aiden Turner. She looked like she was having the time of her life. He was making her laugh, and she was eating up the attention.

Aiden 32, who's married and has a baby daugther eventually called it a night. But Kate wasn't quite ready to do the same. She told him she'd leave too. But when she followed him out of the restaurant, she did her best to keeo their discussion going as long as she could Kate seemed to be hanging on his every word!

So Many Men, So Little Time

Before setting her sights on Aiden that evening her attention was on her bodyguard Steve Neild, Whom she was romantically linked to last year. When she walked into the party, he was by her side. After mingling with the other guests. Kate and Steve move to a cozt booth for some one on one time. As they engaged in conversation over wine. Kate kept playing her hair and smiling. She was really enjoying Steve's company and at the same time, her body language made it seem as if she wanted other guys to check her out and know she was available.

Three nights late, Kate was holding court with yet another hunk, her DWTS partner, Tony Dovolani. The beaming mom of eight sat next to him at the NYC premiere of the Discovery Channel film life and kept leaning over against him to whisper sexily in his ear.

But Tony's attention wasn't enough for the voracious Kate, and at the after party, she checked out every guy in the room. Fellow reality stars, Captain Johnathan Hilstrand and Sig Hansen of The Deadliest Catch, were turning their charm on Kate. and she reveled in hair putting her hand on their shoulders.

And now that she's ready to step out, it appears sexpot Kate won't be huting for suitor's! while staying in NYC at the essex House Hotel, men were bombarding for a date with her. Some of the guys were really sexy, She was totally flattered and Whenever she stepped outside the hotel, men were catcalling her. They were yelling out, Kate you look so hot! she was blushing but secretly she's hoping her Dancing With The Stars gig will land her the man of her dreams!

J.lo & Marc

Most moms would have their hands full with young twin. but Jennifer Lopez can't wait to add to her brood!
The 40 years old Bronx bombshell has visited Beverly Hills doctor Jay Goldberg, who deals with fertility issues. Several times in the past months and is considering turning to in-vitro fertilization to make her and hubby Marc Anthony's baby dreams come true. Jennifer insists she didn't do IVF with the twins, even thought a lot of people think she did. But not she's having difficulty getting pregnant again.

So the determined star whose son, Max and daughter Emme, are two has already had numerous blood tests and exam to see of IVF is right for her. She's not going to give up.

Jennifer says she used to think that having two kids was enough. But she and Marc love being parents so much. They're beyond ready to have more!

TROUBLE ( Britney Spears & Jason)

It's getting ugly! Britney Spears and her beau, Jason Trawick, have only been back together for a few months. But now the two are feuding constantly, in heared encounters that insiders fear are spiraling out of control!

It's been nonstop fights between them since they got back from her Australian Tour in december. Baout her career, her weight,his unwillingness to commit. Jason pushes Britney's emotional buttons. She's losing it more often.

The mother of two, 28 was particularly upset during a phone conversation with Jason,38, on paying enough attention to her. Britney can be incredibly needy, and he's sick of it.

The warfare continued into the next day, another source reveals. Britney orders jason around a lot, tells him to fetch things for her. He was so fed up, he got her where it really hurts. He said she could stand to more around a bit because she was fat. That sent her off on a crying jag.

The irony? Back to blonded Brit's anxieties are driving her to try to get into the best shape of her life. She's been working out incredibly hard everyday. Deep down, she's always think she's not thin enough for him.

Britney's not going to feel secure until jason makes her his wife. But all this drama is just pushing him away hard and fast!