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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Vacation in Rehab

Her life has calmed down abit since her 2007 badgirl heyday, when she attende three different rehab centers in 10 months, but Lindsay Lohan 23, still emits a dangerous vibe in front of a camera. "It's part of who i am,Despite the darkness that still lingers. Lindsay insists she's learned from her mistakes and has put her troubled past firmly behind her.

What was the most outrageous thing you've ever read about yourself? 
    That I overdosed and I was dead, I woke up in the morning and I was like, Really? That's funny because I'm right here. It's a terrible thing to say. I laughed because it was absurd.

Do you feel like there was too much attention placed on your partying?
    The thing is, it wasn't as crazy as people have said. I was 18 and 19. The only thing that hurts me about it is that I really do love making movies. I love acting, A lot of things that were said overshadowed what i got into this industry for and that rankles me.

You once called youself an alcoholic Do you drink alcohol now?
   Yes. Here's the thing. I have friends who would get so wasted at college, but i have never been one to get drunk and act like that, that's not who I am. When i was in school I didn't drink, or even try alcohol, until I was probably 18. I'm not lying! I am just made out all the time to be the bad guy!

Its Probably because you were stopped for DUI twice and went to rehab three times.
   The second two time I went into rehab, to be honest with you, it was a court thing an obligation. I had to do it to stay out of jail. And i took responsibility for that. And it was like a vacation.

How was rehab like a vacation?
    I met some great people. It was nice time to shut everyone off for a while. I had put myself in situations that I probably should have thought through. But rehab was a positive experience. There a lot of people that I know who should really be in rehab now. not for drugs or alcohol abuse, but to lean about life.

And you are more secure in your life now?
    I'm happy, I'm good. I am actually in the best place I've ever been. It's just about growing up and learning your boundaries. In that last year, I weeded a lot of people out fo my life that weren't there for the right reasons. There are a lot of people who were draining me.

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