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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Planning your blog

Website designers know that a critical point in the design of the website is to map out how that site will function even before they start. That meands coming up with a theme and then knowing what will go on each page and writing down all of these components. It is a blueprint as to how the site will look and reffered to all through design process so nothing is missed.

You need to do a similar thing when it comes to start your blog. The biggest part of your blog will be theme. How do you want to project yourself to other people? What do you want them to think about you when they come to your blog? Carry these theme throughout the blog including with the layout.

One very important thing you want on your blog is a comment section. This allows people to comment of things that you have to say. people love to be able to have their own opinion known not just you. When you allow them to leave comments on your blog post, they are given a voice almost a reward reading for what you have written!..

Next Steps will be follow!! Hope you enjoy reading and will get some ideas on how to make money with blogging!!


Unknown said...

Your topics are interesting...I can't wait to read your new post blogs...I will be your avid followers...

Sore-eye said...

Thanks Alex hope you enjoying my blogs. more to come for more tips!