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Thursday, March 18, 2010


For many months, Robert Pattinson and Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart have played it coy about their offscreen romance, slinking around in secret, inssuing denials and tantalizing Twi-hard around the globe. But ever since Rob,23, and 19 years old Kristen appeared at the BAFTA awards in London on Fe.21, they've been unabashedly cozy on the two continents.

They were so cute! witness tells. of the pair's PDA at London Marquis of Grandby pub on feb.23. It was around 9:30pm and they were outside sharing cigarrettes, talking and kissing. Orb had his armd around ehr holding her close and she was leaning in to him.

Latter that night, RPattz and Kstew resumeed the make0out session. They really seemed into each other. There was definite chemistry. and they were clearly aware that people were looking.

The pair drew more attention on Fe.26, when, garbed in their signature hoodies, they landed at NYC's JFK Airport. In town romance Remember Me, ever supportive girlfriend Kristen gave his performance a rave review and aeven attended the preimere. He's everything I know he is. She told MTV Movie News. He bold, which is great.

We'll have to see if she's as thrilled about his current project Bel Ami, based on the french novel. Why? There's a lot of sex says rob of the film. No kidding Next week he returns to London to orgy!

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