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Celebrity Blogger

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


How many of you writers out there write in a journal, Have ever kept a journal or diary, and still journal with pen and paper? How do you often have something you feel is important to say but have nowhere to put those thoughts so other can see them? Well, your problems are solve because now, in the Internet age, We have web blogs to get this done.
In its simplest form, a blog is an online diary that is updated in a regular basis with entries appearing in reverse chronological order. A typical blogs combines text,images,and link to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is and important part of many blogs.

There are many divergent reasons to have a blog. Most of the time its because people like the idea of having an online journal that others can read. A blog is used to promote websites and sell products. Others use their blog to advance their opinions about politics. As a writer, there are also some very compelling reasons to have a blog.


loreyn said...

I had checked and read your blogs...seems interesting...helpful and can also be your hobby by posting some ads...I like it...

Sore-eye said...

You will be like it when you start blogging by your own. Just dont matter about income, just think of having fun surfing.Thanks