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Celebrity Blogger

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pros and Cons

while starting a blog might seem like a big venture for some or an exciting journey for others, it really can be a fulfilling experience. The disadvantages of blogging are few, but they are very real must be taken into consideration before lunching your blogsite.

The biggest advantages is at the same time the biggest advantage. That is, the freedom of vocie that blogs afford to anyone. You have to be mindful of what you publish or that freedom can come back to haunt you. If a potential client,partner of employer,Google"d" your name what would they find? how about your present employer?

will there be any questionable speech that associated with your "real name" that could hurt your credibility character? Sure you could use an alias but most bloggers that want to truly connect with their audience their real name. It is part of the culture. The medium is open and honest in its communication. You have to be careful out there if you have certain reputation to maintain.

On the flipside, there are many advantages to starting a blog. We have already touched on a lot of them. Blog ultimately allow you to share information an in real time, they allow you to build up a reputation and demonstrate expertise and blogs allow you to express your self freely.

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