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Celebrity Blogger

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blogger's code of Conduct

The blogger's code of conduct is sort of unofficial set of rules that most of bloggers are expected to follow in their blog. It was means to inforce civility bloggers as they are civil themselves in moderating posts on their blog.

As we said, Tim O Reilly, who also worked for BBC News, commented that " I dont think we need some code of conduct around what is acceptable behaviour ( in blogging). I would hope that it doesnt come through any kind regulation it would come through self-regulation.

Label you tolerance level of abusive comments. Just as the school playground has bullies, so does the internet. Decide ahead of time That will send you over the edge and cause you to ban and what will you allow in order to stir discussion. You dont want to delete everything if the purpose of your blog is to cause people to think.

Eliminate anonymous comments, People who are posting to blogs are doing so because they have something to say. If they had a good reason for remaning anonymous. then let them remain so, but if not dont let them show in your comment section.

Dont say anything on your blog that you wouldnt say in the public. The golden rule of blogging, Know it,Love it! and Live it!

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