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Monday, March 15, 2010


It was the one night Brad Pitt had been looking forward to for months. But as his close friend Quentin Tarantino and cast mates from Inglorious Basterds happily walked the red carpet on Oscar night, Brad found himself thousands in Venice, Italy, drinking red wine alone.

In Europe with Angelina Jolie and their six kids while Angelina shoots, The tourist with Johnny Depp, Brad had planned to fly out to LA for Academy Awards week. Until Angelina stepped in at the last minute and put her foot down. Brad had really wanted to get away from Angelina and spend a week in LA. But she got mad at him and they had huge fight. She pretty much threw every insult under the sun at him.

According to the them, Angelina Banned Brad from going to the Oscars. She told him she would make him pay if he went. For Brad who had also planned to his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, while he was back in the states, it was deeply upsetting. But he was afraid that if he were to defy Angelina and travel to California, She'd make his life miserable upon his return.

Knowing full well how horrible Angelina's rages could be. for both him and their six children. Brad phone his LA friends, including Jen, and told them his plans had been canceled. Brad was really shaken when he called Jen. Adding that Jen was disappointed that Angelina had come between her and Brad yer again.

But for Brad, it was all too sadly familiar. Keeping him from his friends during Oscar week was one of many ways Angelina has been showing Brad who's boss. And as much as Brad may like it, he know Angelina holds all the cards. Threatening to seek full custody of their children.

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